Tiger Cub David Gerstenhaber: The economist whose passion for markets began at age 14Nov 25 2010 1 Comment
David Gerstenhaber was one of the first "Tiger Cubs", a term for hedge fund managers who started on their own after having worked at Julian Robertson's legendary Tiger Investment Management (*).
Gerstenhaber is a trained economist and runs today the hedge fund Argonaut Capital Management. In this Opalesque.TV BACKSTAGE interview, Gerstenhaber, who started trading stocks at the age of 14, explains his approach of Global Macro investing, and what gives his firm an edge in the highly competitive hedge fund industry. Argonaut Macro Partnership, LP has never never had a down year since its founding in 2000 and has averaged an annual return of 16%, including a 12.3% gain in the otherwise disastrous 2008. The Opalesque.TV interview highlights: * How David became a hedge fund manager - early days at Tiger Management * What is the process of idea generation at Argonaut Capital? * How has Global Macro investing changed since the late 1980s? * The significance of conducting primary research * Benefits and opportunities of Global Macro - The future of Global Macro * Options: How Argonaut creates asymmetric returns (*) Opalesque.TV's most viewed interview is with the legendary Julian Robertson on his outstanding talent to recognize and identify hedge fund talent. How does he select his "Tiger Cubs" (or to be precise: Tiger Seeds) back then, and today? Hear Robertson explain what it takes to be a successful hedge fund manager today. You can view this video here: www.opalesque.tv/youtube/Julian_Robertson/1 and part 2 here: www.opalesque.tv/youtube/Julian_Robertson/2. Full list of Tiger Cubs and Tiger Seeds: Tiger Management provided Opalesque a full list of 32 Tiger Cubs and 38 Tiger Seeds, which you can access here in this article: www.opalesque.com/55941/Julian_Robertson.html. [less]
David Gerstenhaber was one of the first "Tiger Cubs", a term for hedge fund managers who started on their own after having worked at Julian Robertson's legendary Tiger Investment Management (*).
Gerstenhaber is a trained economist and runs today the hedge fund Argonaut Capital Management. In this Opalesque.TV BACKSTAGE interview, Gerstenhaber, who started trading stocks at the age of 14, explains his approach of Global Macro investing, and what gives his firm an edge in the highly competitive hedge fund industry. Argonaut Macro Part ...more |
More videos about Global Macro, Julian Robertson and Tiger Cubs & Seeds. Location: New York »