DCM Systematic: Scientific methods and AI power outperforming "Non-Trend" CTA strategy
Corporate Aviation Masterclass: Top funds flying smarter, for less
Carry-Neutral Tail Risk Hedging: The Ambrus Group's revolutionary approach to protecting your portfolio
Ironshield Capital and David Nazar: How to build one of the longest, most successful track records in credit
Chicago Atlantic: Industry-leading returns with secured lending in niches with fundamentally mispriced risk
DCM Systematic: Scientific methodsand AI power outperforming"Non-Trend" CTA strategy
Prime Capital: A hidden championwith a top-tier track record forgenerating alpha consistently
Greenland IM: The outperformingsystematic commodity arbitrage fundhaving unique insights from itsphysical commodities tradingoperation
PlusPlus Capital Management:Designing futures strategies thatexploit behavioral biases, reducevolatility & drawdown, whileincreasing annualized return of aportfolio
'Techpreneur' coder delivers 97%win ratio trading E-mini S&P500 futures*
Incline Investment Management:Blending equities- andfutures-based models
Marc Malek: Artificialintelligence, tanks and dynamicrisk allocation
BBL Commodities: 2017 Opportunitiesin Crude Oil, Refined Products andNatural Gas
KeyQuant: The benefits of anall-weather, fully systematictrading model
Ernest Jaffarian: Why everyinstitutional portfolio needsexposure to managed futures
Hanming Rao: High Alpha, highSharpe using Weekly-Expiry Options
Positive Convexity: How a CTA hasoutperformed the index by +7.5%annually
Thomas Stridsman: How to make moneyin short term trend following, in achallenging market
Smn Investment Services: Isn’t thediscretionary trader the real“black box”?
Arnaud Chretien: Using quant powerto target optimal risk allocation
“Quit your job and live off whatyou can take out of the markets”
Opalesque.TV: Soft commoditiestrader David Stephen Martin’s riseto institutional-grade CTA
Up 90% in 2014: Adam Tomas, adifferent systematic long termtrend follower trading “axiomaticregularities”
Dr. Tillmann Sachs: Bringingself-learning models and adaptivealgorithms to the CTA industry
Mikael Stenbom, RPM: Identifyingthe sweet spot - how managers'corporate life cycle affectsreturns