The Future of Energy Investment with Lisa Audet
DCM Systematic: Scientific methods and AI power outperforming "Non-Trend" CTA strategy
Corporate Aviation Masterclass: Top funds flying smarter, for less
Carry-Neutral Tail Risk Hedging: The Ambrus Group's revolutionary approach to protecting your portfolio
Ironshield Capital and David Nazar: How to build one of the longest, most successful track records in credit
A mindful approach to mathematicshas helped Quest Partners LLCachieve over two decades ofdouble-digit returns whilemaintaining a long-volatilityprofile.
Jasper Capital: How quantsoutperform and generate Alpha inChina’s retail driven equity market
How the Asian hedge fund industrygrew from a few dozen to almost1000 managers
Harcourt’s superior long-termperformance shows there’s realAlpha in fund selection
Sea change in Germany as search foryield, diversification pressuresinvestors to allocate to hedgefunds, alternatives
Top performing Legends Fund offersdaily access to a portfolio ofmostly closed hedge fund legendssince 2010
ERAAM’s 3% outperformance: Why “Day1” investing can even be superiorto seeding
First Trust Advisors targets retailand institutions with LiquidAlternative ETFs
Guggenheim Investment Advisors:Charles Stucke on merits ofbehavioral finance, contrarianism
Shinichiro Shiraki: How to designinvestment products Japaneseinstitutions like
Ernesto Prado: “Hedging 2.0”: Whycombining a long and a shortdoesn't mean you're hedged
Citi Private Bank: Ultra high networth clients' skepticism of hedgefund investing may soften
Finding neglected alpha innon-traditional hedge fund markets(Part 2) Opalesque.TV interview Part 2
Bob Discolo: Hedge funds are stillin the early stages of evolution(Part 1) Opalesque.TV interview Part 1
Amundi Alternative Investments:AIFMD to create tailwind for hedgefunds, making them morerespectable for European investors
Anthony Scaramucci/SkyBridgeCapital: Fund of funds &seeder, finding the next Ray Dalio,Daniel Och
Alain De Coster: Institutions shiftto long-short hedge funds forequity exposure
Lou Moelchert - The Contrarian,Pioneer Endowment Investor in HedgeFunds
Carrie McCabe: Institutionsincreasingly use equity long-shortto replace traditional equity
Claude Porret: Why investing withEmerging Managers can be safer thanwith large or even “legends” hedgefunds