The Future of Energy Investment with Lisa Audet
DCM Systematic: Scientific methods and AI power outperforming "Non-Trend" CTA strategy
Corporate Aviation Masterclass: Top funds flying smarter, for less
Carry-Neutral Tail Risk Hedging: The Ambrus Group's revolutionary approach to protecting your portfolio
Ironshield Capital and David Nazar: How to build one of the longest, most successful track records in credit
Prime Capital: A hidden championwith a top-tier track record forgenerating alpha consistently
How Quantumrock has“industrialized” the development oftrading models through AI andachieved material outperformance
Aquantum: Systematic seasonalitytrading – a unique source of alpha
Greenland IM: The outperformingsystematic commodity arbitrage fundhaving unique insights from itsphysical commodities tradingoperation
Why 98% of all emerging managersfail to reach $100m in assets, andhow to be among the 2%