The Future of Energy Investment with Lisa Audet
DCM Systematic: Scientific methods and AI power outperforming "Non-Trend" CTA strategy
Corporate Aviation Masterclass: Top funds flying smarter, for less
Carry-Neutral Tail Risk Hedging: The Ambrus Group's revolutionary approach to protecting your portfolio
Ironshield Capital and David Nazar: How to build one of the longest, most successful track records in credit
Master Macro Trader Chua Soon Hockcontinues Asia Genesis' stellartrack
Jasper Capital: How quantsoutperform and generate Alpha inChina’s retail driven equity market
Symphony Financial Partners’ ValueRealization Fund has returned over24% p.a. for the last 8 years andis set to continue
Convex Strategies: How to abandonthe 60/40 model to improvecompounded returns by superior riskmitigation and greater exposure togrowth assets
Pearl Brook Capital: Distinguishedcorporate R&D and operationsbackground engenders investmentresearch edge
How the Asian hedge fund industrygrew from a few dozen to almost1000 managers
Better returns, better investorrelationships, better process: Newposition-sizing solution shaking upthe industry
Shining light on the shadow bankingbusiness... Private credit andenforcement in China: Better thanyou think
What attracted Ascalon/Westpac toseed Morphic and its adaptiveglobal equity strategies
Francois Dotta: Trade financegenerates consistent anduncorrelated returns with lowvolatility
Three Arrows Capital: Fast growingemerging markets hedge fund
Justin Kendrick: Growth,performance, diversification: Thegreater opportunity in Asiansmall/mid caps
Ex-Lehman star trader returns toGlobal Macro with strongperformance
Stephane Pizzo: Conflicts ofinterests, the hidden malaise ofhedge funds
Pengana: Accessing Australian assetmanagement talent
Jessica McCarroll: SilverhornDynamic Relative Value Fundcombines risk-on and risk-offinvestment modes
A multi-family office backing proptraders, market makers and CTAs
Trade Finance: No down month since2006 and best years still ahead
Shinichiro Shiraki: How to designinvestment products Japaneseinstitutions like
Masahiro Koshiba: How long canhedge funds benefit from Abenomics?