About twenty years ago, New Zealander Mark Sleeman, who worked as an engineer at that time, sold his house in order to start trading futures professionally. Since then, he has achieved a compounded annual return of over 14%. With all of his assets in his trading system, Sleeman's single most concern was the "risk of ruin".
His firm MS Capital has managed client assets since Nov. 98, except from Nov. 07 to May 09 when the firm had no external assets, however with his proprietary account he continued a seamless trading record with astonishing performance, returning (after applying pro forma 2% management and 20% performance fee) 98.56% in 2008, 15.07% in 2009 - when most other CTAs were down - and 17.32% in 2010.
In this Opalesque.TV interview, Sleeman explains the basics of his system and the reasons for this remarkable outperformance. He also believes that based in New Zealand helps his trading style, as with the distance to the markets comes an "independent and original thinking". However, a price is paid as capital raising for his program remains a challenge.
M.S. Capital Management utilizes an automated, multiple time-frame, trend-following system across a diverse portfolio of 56 exchange traded futures markets. The system comprises 3 time frames: medium-term, long-term and very long-term. This object of the system is to capture large price moves, in either direction.
The firm is registered with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, and is a member of the National Futures Association, as a Commodity Trading Advisor. MS is authorised as a futures dealer by the New Zealand Securities Commission.
About twenty years ago, New Zealander Mark Sleeman, who worked as an engineer at that time, sold his house in order to start trading futures professionally. Since then, he has achieved a compounded annual return of over 14%. With all of his assets in his trading system, Sleeman's single most concern was the "risk of ruin".
His firm MS Capital has managed client assets since Nov. 98, except from Nov. 07 to May 09 when the firm had no external assets, however with his proprietary account he continued a seamless trading record with as