Damian Handzy: In the future, investment management and risk decisions are integratedMay 22 2013 1 Comment
Damian Handzy is the co-founder and CEO of Investor Analytics, a privately held firm founded in 1999 that specializes in risk management for the alternatives industry. With more than USD 380 billion in assets under analysis, Investor Analytics helps global hedge funds, fund of funds, pension funds, endowments, foundations, insurance companies, prime brokers, money market funds, mutual funds and their investors make better risk decisions.
In this Opalesque.TV interview, Damian discusses how risk-managed portfolios significantly outperform those that are not, a theme brought home by the financial crisis. He speaks about why the culture around risk management is changing, how risk and portfolio managers are now co-piloting investment decisions, a trend that will accelerate in the future as returns are tied directly tied to risk exposures, and why pension funds are adopting sophisticated risk tools. Damian explain how behavorial economics can help manage our risk “blind spots,” and talks about what we can expect to see as for the future of risk management evolves. [less]
Damian Handzy is the co-founder and CEO of Investor Analytics, a privately held firm founded in 1999 that specializes in risk management for the alternatives industry. With more than USD 380 billion in assets under analysis, Investor Analytics helps global hedge funds, fund of funds, pension funds, endowments, foundations, insurance companies, prime brokers, money market funds, mutual funds and their investors make better risk decisions.
In this Opalesque.TV interview, Damian discusses how risk-managed portfolios significantly outp ...more |
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