Founded by three quants and two traders in August 2007, HiQ Invest's Market Neutral Fund has achieved a net return of 119% (+15,4% annualized). Throughout this period,
the fund has proven to be the most successful hedge fund in the Netherlands and, according to Bloomberg, one of the most successful hedge funds in the world in its category. The company combines traditional fund management with the advanced trading environment of a trading desk and algorithmic trading. The funds of HiQ Invest are under the overall supervision of the Dutch Central Bank (DNB) and the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM).
HiQ also offers a
retail share class for Dutch investors with a minimum investment of EUR 2,500. This is an unique model for a continental European hedge fund. The company serves over 1000 clients and has been
adding between 100 and 150 clients each month recently. HiQ developed and operates a cutting edge global trading and exchange connectivity infrastructure that it also rents out to other hedge funds and asset managers.
Learn in this Opalesque BACKSTAGE video more about:
* HiQ Invest's research and strategy implementation process for the HiQ Invest Market Neutral Fund
* HiQ Invest's exchange connectivity and global trading infrastructure attractive for other funds
* How to successfully market a hedge fund to retail
By the end of his study of Electrical Engineering, Jasper Anderluh graduated at the quantitative research group of AOT nv and got promoted in financial mathematics at the TU Delft. In his promotion research he dealt with modelling and numerical valuation of exotic options. He also had a part-time job at Binck Securities BV (formerly known as AOT), as the head of the research department. As the head of the research department he gave direction to the quantitative aspects of the trading strategies of Binck securities and also to the development fully automated and semi-automated trading tools. Anderluh was also involved in the treasury activity of BinckBank and he was a member of the Risk Committee of BinckBank. Jasper Anderluh is part-time assistant professor at the faculty of mathematics of the TU Delft.
HiQ Invest funds are not available to "US Persons" as such term is defined under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933 Regulation.
Founded by three quants and two traders in August 2007, HiQ Invest's Market Neutral Fund has achieved a net return of 119% (+15,4% annualized). Throughout this period,
the fund has proven to be the most successful hedge fund in the Netherlands and, according to Bloomberg, one of the most successful hedge funds in the world in its category. The company combines traditional fund management with the advanced trading environment of a trading desk and algorithmic trading. The funds of HiQ Invest are under the overall supervision of the Dutch Cent