Capital scarcity, brought on by the slow down in global trade following the financial crisis, has created attractive investment opportunities in the shipping industry, says global consultant Mercer in a recent paper 'Investment Case: Shipping'.
In this new Opalesque BACKSTAGE video, Tim Coffin from London-based M2M Management Limited, an alternative investment fund advisor specialising in the shipping sector, illustrates this investment case and explains the ins and outs of the shipping market:
1. How do the freight and shipping markets work?
2. What is the infrastructure, what vehicles are available? How to invest in shipping?
3. The Baltic Dry (Freight) Index crashed 94% in 2008: Why?
What happened in the freight market since then?
How comes M2M's hedge fund is up each year, and 17% in crash year 2008?
4. Investor Benefits & Opportunities in Shipping
5. Example of a typical trade
Tim Coffin leads M2M's fleet investments business, focusing on long-term asset plays and efficient freight mechanisms. He started his shipping career at a flag state administrator in New York and most recently headed the research desk at a major London tanker broker. He has worked in both wet and dry markets as a principal, broker and in shipping services. Tim holds an MA from St Andrews University and an MBA from Cass Business School.
M2M is an alternative investment fund advisor specialising in the shipping sector based in Athens and London. The Group employs a dedicated team of specialist freight traders, shipping financiers, analysts, hedge fund and risk management professionals, offering investment advice on the relative value opportunities within the shipping and freight markets.
M2M was established in 2005 and runs two funds: Global Maritime Investment Limited, a hedge fund established in 2005, and Global Maritime Assets Limited, a limited liability partnership investing directly in ships and related assets.
Capital scarcity, brought on by the slow down in global trade following the financial crisis, has created attractive investment opportunities in the shipping industry, says global consultant Mercer in a recent paper 'Investment Case: Shipping'.
In this new Opalesque BACKSTAGE video, Tim Coffin from London-based M2M Management Limited, an alternative investment fund advisor specialising in the shipping sector, illustrates this investment case and explains the ins and outs of the shipping market:
1. How do the freight a