Peter Meier is both both a recognized academic and a veteran institutional investor. He is currently head of the Centre of Alternative Investments & Risk Management at Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW). Before that he served as Chief Economist at the Cantonal Bank of Zurich, where he set up a modern asset management unit for institutional and private portfolios as well as mutual funds. As CEO of Swissca Portfolio Management Ltd, he was responsible for one of the larger Swiss institutional asset management companies.
In this Opalesque CAMPUS video, Professor Meier unveils a new total risk rating of hedge funds based on scientific standards.
He also speaks about size, impact and developments of the Swiss Fund of Funds, which collectively control 30% of all global hedge fund of funds assets, and the growing universe of Swiss based single hedge fund managers.
Peter Meier is both both a recognized academic and a veteran institutional investor. He is currently head of the Centre of Alternative Investments & Risk Management at Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW). Before that he served as Chief Economist at the Cantonal Bank of Zurich, where he set up a modern asset management unit for institutional and private portfolios as well as mutual funds. As CEO of Swissca Portfolio Management Ltd, he was responsible for one of the larger Swiss institutional asset management companies.
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